Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Soundtrack Research and Planning

These are the two pre-existing soundtrack songs which I picture would fit best with the first act of my trailer. They are both done in a reasonably classical style, choosing piano as the main instrument, though the song from 'The Social Network' in particular has a modern sound to it due to the fact that it has a highly understated quality and mixes a classical piano sound with a minimalist electronic background layer of sound. This style I feel would work well in the opening of my trailer as it has a distinctly modern atmosphere due to the locations and costumes, but I also want it to have a universal and timeless feel, which peaceful piano music will add to.

The music that will play during the second act I feel will be similar to something like the beginning of the song 'On The Beach' from the soundtrack to the film Drive. It has no melody and is accompanied by percussive sounds that also have an electronic feel, making them fitting with the atmosphere of my film.  This kind of music should achieve a dangerous atmosphere - unlike the two tracks in the opening, it will also have less of a broad, expansive sound and instead it will back up and help carry the narrative which is what the second act of the trailer is about.

As for the third track, I also picture part of the song 'On The Beach' from Drive, except a segment of it that comes later in the track, at 4:50. This is a version of a recurring theme throughout the film - it is legato yet without a real melody, peaceful but also ramped up in intensity when compared to the other versions of the same theme. In the more desperate, intense context of my third act I picture music similar to this segment of the track to provide both a counterpoint to the frantic nature of the third act but also subtly add some intensity and drama to it.

The opening to 'On The Beach', which I think will work in my second act, is also used in the middle of the trailer for the film Drive, at the 0:50 mark.

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